Business Fields

Derailment Prevention Guard

This guard uses angles to prevent derailment on general tracks.
We offer an extensive range of derailment prevention guards to suit a variety of rail types and track structures.

Features of the Derailment Prevention Guard

  • Our derailment prevention guards come in a variety of types that can be used with various track structures including ballast and concrete beds and track slabs, and with rail types ranging from 30 kg to 60 kg.
  • Our guards use a grooved equal leg angle steel as the basic angle. It is attached to protrude from the mounting device (holder) side, and is built to remain in place even if it comes into contact with the train’s wheels.
  • Derailment Prevention GuardDerailment Prevention Guard
  • Grooved AngleGrooved Angle

Insulated Derailment Prevention Guard

  • Even in tracks with electrified sections and that have derailment prevention guards mounted on one side only, insulation can be used to lessen the voltage potential difference between the left and right rails so that an electrical current does not flow to the guard.
  • This insulation can easily be attached to the guard.
  • Kanto Bunkiki insulation is a patented* product that is heat resistant against the high temperature iron powder generated during rail grinding and correction. (* Patent number: 3086802)
  • Insulated Derailment Prevention GuardInsulated Derailment Prevention Guard